Saturday, May 30, 2009

Work off my ass!!

Friday, 29th of June 2009,
Started in the morning when customer came in and been busy the whole day doing rebonding, cutting, colouring and etc.... Gawai is just around the corner so our Kuching "natives" friends are now rushing for their last minute race to tidy up before Gawai. I worked untill 9.30pm that day if i'm not mistaken. Tired, tired, tired..but this is much more better, at least i get to improve my cutting technique and i funally overcome my fear of cutting a "Bob" when i manage to shape out and 'I-look' which i learned in advance cutting when i was in the cutting course.

Saturday, 30th of June 2009,
I reach the salon at 10am sharp. Preparing stuff such as cleaning the glass, mirror, moping the floor and etc... suddenly a bunch of customer came in, one needs a cut and one needs to rebond her hair.. ok, i was able to handle aunty de hair already as i've learned the technique before. Then, customer came in one by one untill the whole salon is full by that time. I was quite in a rush anyway, wasn't able to sms to my friend. So in the end i ended up fnishing eating my "lunch" at 5.30pm with just a bowl of laksa which my dad made in the morning. So i eventually finish my work at 9pm after a client that requires rebonding for her hair was very vry think and long. It took 2 hrs and 55 minutes for the work to be done. At the end of the day the record was break. Althought i'm very very very exhausted, but I'm glad that the income have increase much much more..d^.^b....

Sunday, 31th of June 2009,
Today is the day before Gawai. And it's 9.18am now. I'm still at home blogging. Hahahaha. Withe the power of God i shall overcome today or what ever challenges that i will face today..............TO be continue........

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