Thursday, June 18, 2009

Day 2

13th, June 2009,

Wake up at 6am. We prepared our self for the morning exercise. We all gathered infront of the long house at 7.10am. We were suppose to gather at 7am. But we all "lo so lo so". Then the campo leader made us do pumping for 5 freaking time. Not the ordinary pumping but is according to timing de. But it's still fine with me. Can handle it well. Then we ran around the whole wild life centre. At 8am, we all were allowed to had our breakfast. After bathing again, we set out to go to the theatre room. The 3rd class were good. I've learn a lot of things and stuff bout music. So after the class, we had our lunch. We had curry and some vege. After that we had our rest in our room. During the class, we were ask to plan bout a drama or a song for the camp fire that night. So my plan was singing a song which made famous by "ah nui". The song title is " Tui mian de nu hai kan kuo lai" ( the girl opposite looking here). So we practice next to the theatre room, again and again. By 3pm, we still can't finish the play. So we decided to take a break and rest.

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