Monday, June 15, 2009

Music Camp 12th~14th June 2009

12th, June, 2009,

Wake up at 6am, ready my self by 6.45am. Reached at the gather point at 7.15am. I was kinda disappointed with the number of people that participate in the camp. Only about 13 people only, excluding the comittee member. So over all the camp is about 30 plus people only. Isaac went up to the destination first(Matang Wild Life Centre). So i mixed around with my newly meet friends. At first, i was thinking of bringing my guitar to the camp. But i change my mind the last minute, coz i scared my accidentally break my guitar. So, in the end i didn't bring it. The bus came at 8am. We arrived at Matang Wild Life centre at 8.45pm. We were given advices and intruction at the theatre hall till bout 12pm. Then we had lunch at 12.10pm. We checked in our room at 2pm. During the 2 hours time, i visted the exhibition hall next to the lobby. The hall displayed a lot of wild life animals such as "orang utan", snakes, leopard, turtle, eagle and others....Later on we checked in our room. I find that the room contains 4 beds. But only 3 of us per room. So it's confortable for me and my room mates. The two of my room mates are from Bintulu, they were having their holiday here in Kuching. And they saw the camp in the newspaper, so they decided to join in too. After putting our stuff in the room, we were asked to gather in front of the "long house"( which is infront of our rooms). We were given instructions bout the games that we were about to play. The first game was about getting all my group members in a piece of newspaper wihtout stepping out of it. Then after that followed by few other games which test our physical abilities and our cleverness of solving the problems. We then were allowed to take a rest at 4.30pm till 6pm to eat our dinner infront of our long house. At 7.30pmm, we were asked to go to the theatre hall again for the 2nd music class, the first class made me almost fell asleep earlier that day. But the 2nd class starts to draw my attention. So i enjoyed the 2nd lesson. Then bout 10.30pm, we had our supper at our long house. By 11pm, all lights were closed, we were ask to sleep early that night, as there were a lot of activities the next day....That's all for today....... To be continue.....

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